This is the second year I receive a wonderful little person in my house: Dani Klein! really for me and my children it has been a wonderful experience, an incredible connection was achieved and I really felt like a daughter, that is our maximum desire from the moment we made the decision to participate in this nice program with LSU.
Our main objective is to share with her all our experiences and learn from her too, we have had an amazing time and we have tried to make her feel that this is her home and she will always have a very important place in our hearts and the doors open to come back!, thanks for everything Dani, you are a beautiful cute woman!! 💕
Your Chilean mom...
Este es el segundo año que recibimos a una persona maravillosa en nuestra casa: ¡Dani Klein! Realmente para mí y mis hijos ha sido una experiencia maravillosa, se logró una conexión increíble y realmente la siento como una hija mas, ese es nuestro máximo deseo desde el momento en que tomamos la decisión de participar en este lindo programa con LSU.
Nuestro principal objetivo es compartir con ella todas nuestras experiencias y aprender de ella también, lo hemos pasado increíble y hemos tratado de que se sienta como en su casa y siempre tendrá un lugar muy importante en nuestros corazones y las puertas abiertas para volver! gracias por todo Dani, eres una linda linda mujer!!💕
Tú mamá chilena...
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Tourin around Chile - Alyssa
This week definitely went by fast. We had a long weekend because it was a holiday here. I had gone to the movies and saw Deadpool 2 with my host sister (thankfully it was in English with Spanish subtitles). The popcorn was not like the usual buttery popcorn, it was really sweet, me and my host sister kept eating it until there was no more. It was bonding moment.
This week was full of exploring we had gone to the University of Concepcion on Tuesday and it was beautiful. We had first toured the Art Museum and it was really cool. Our tour guide was super sweet, he would be so funny when he would get so excited about an art piece that he loved. After we explored the art we went walked through the campus. The views were amazing! So that meant Me and Leslie had to “dab”. Don’t judge. Anyway, I loved how open the campus was and where ever you would walk you would be surrounded by the beautiful trees. Although, my favorite part of the tour would be when Kathleen tried petting a stray dog and it had snapped at her. Safe to say Kathleen won’t be petting anymore dogs on this trip.
We had also gone to Chiflon Del Diablo, an under the Pacific ocean mine tour which translates as the devils blast. Our tour guide was so sweet and told us the life style he had lived when he worked in the mine. As we were far into the mine the same man had us turn all of our headlights off so we were in complete darkness. It was the same as closing our eyes. While our lights were still off he had sung us a song that all the miners would sing. I had gotten the chills and might have shed a tear or two. But it was such an awesome experience!
Esta semana definitivamente pasó rápido. Tuvimos un fin de semana largo porque eran unas vacaciones aquí. Fui al cine y vi Deadpool 2 con mi hermana anfitriona (afortunadamente estaba en inglés con subtítulos en español). Las palomitas de maíz no eran como las típicas palomitas de maíz con mantequilla, era realmente dulce, yo y mi hermana anfitriona seguimos comiéndolo hasta que no hubo más. Fue un momento de unión.
Esta semana estuvo llena de exploración, fuimos a la Universidad de Concepción el martes y fue hermoso. Habíamos recorrido por primera vez el Museo de Arte y fue realmente genial. Nuestro guía turístico era súper dulce, sería tan divertido cuando se emocionara tanto con una obra de arte que amaba. Después de que exploramos el arte, fuimos caminando por el campus. ¡Las vistas fueron increíbles! Eso significaba que Me y Leslie tenían que "tocar". No juzgues. De todos modos, me encantaba lo abierto que estaba el campus y donde sea que camines estarás rodeado de hermosos árboles. Aunque, mi parte favorita de la gira sería cuando Kathleen trató de acariciar a un perro callejero y se le había roto. Es seguro decir que Kathleen ya no acariciará más perros en este viaje.
También habíamos ido a Chiflon Del Diablo, una gira minera en el océano Pacífico que se traduce como la explosión de los demonios. Nuestro guía turístico fue muy amable y nos contó el estilo de vida que había tenido cuando trabajó en la mina. Como estábamos lejos en la mina, el mismo hombre nos hizo apagar todas las linternas, por lo que estábamos en completa oscuridad. Era lo mismo que cerrar los ojos. Mientras nuestras luces estaban apagadas, nos había cantado una canción que cantaban todos los mineros. Me dieron escalofríos y podría haber derramado una lágrima o dos. ¡Pero fue una experiencia increíble!
Saturday, May 26, 2018
To the mountains, to the mines - Kathleen

I spent a day on a farm in a small town called Coelemu on Monday! What was so special about this town was that it was where my host parents grew up. They took me around and showed me the town’s bridge, the town plaza, and where their relatives work. The farm was so cool! The mom kept telling me that the farm might not be what I‘m used to and she was right. It wasn’t like the farms we have back at home but it still works the same way. I was so excited to see the horses, pigs, and chickens! Also, Ms. Alejandra’s aunt prepared soup for lunch called Cazeula de Pollo. It was my first time having farm-to-table food and it was delicious!
Pasé un día en una granja en un pequeño pueblo llamado Coelemu el lunes. Lo que era tan especial acerca de esta ciudad fue que fue donde crecieron mis padres anfitriones. Me llevaron alrededor y me mostraron el puente de la ciudad, la plaza del pueblo y dónde trabajan sus parientes. ¡La granja fue genial! La mamá no dejaba de decirme que la granja podría no ser a lo que estoy acostumbrado y que ella tenía razón. No era como las granjas que tenemos en casa, pero todavía funciona de la misma manera. ¡Estaba tan emocionado de ver los caballos, cerdos y pollos! Además, la tía de la Sra. Alejandra preparó sopa para el almuerzo llamada Cazeula de Pollo. Era la primera vez que comía de la granja a la mesa y ¡estaba delicioso!
Chiflon de Diablo translated in English is literally the Devil’s Blast. It’s the name of a very known coal mine in Chile. I was able to go down there and really experience what it’s like to be hundreds of meters underground! Was I scared? Of course. But this is an once in a lifetime thing that I could experience! Our tour guide was amazing at telling us about it but it’s because he actually worked there years ago! It was so great to hear his personal work stories and what he had to go through while working there. It didn’t sound easy, but he is definitely proud of what he did and proud to tell people about it. He sang the famous miner’s song to us and it was so beautiful. So here’s a picture of me with the awesome tour guide and used to be coal miner!
Chiflon de Diablo traducido en inglés es literalmente la Explosión del Diablo. Es el nombre de una mina de carbón muy conocida en Chile. ¡Pude bajar y experimentar lo que es estar a cientos de metros bajo tierra! ¿Estaba asustado? Por supuesto. ¡Pero esto es algo único en la vida que podría experimentar! Nuestro guía turístico fue increíble al contarnos sobre él, ¡pero es porque realmente trabajó allí hace años! Fue genial escuchar sus historias personales de trabajo y lo que tuvo que pasar mientras trabajaba allí. No parecía fácil, pero definitivamente está orgulloso de lo que hizo y se siente orgulloso de contarle a la gente sobre ello.Él cantó la famosa canción del minero para nosotros y fue muy hermosa. Así que aquí está una foto mía con la guía turística impresionante y solía ser minero de carbón.

I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to work with such an awesome group of prekindergarten and kindergarten teachers while I’m here! I was assigned to work with Ms. Carolina but I was given the chance to work with all these teachers. They all welcomed me at the school and even in their classrooms. At first, I thought that our schools are so different. But oh my goodness, was I wrong. After talking to the department, I learned that we have many similarities but also some differences in our teaching methodologies and philosophies. However, we all agree that kids should be kids. These ladies are all so wonderful and those kids are so lucky to have them as teachers!
Estoy muy agradecido de tener la oportunidad de trabajar con un grupo tan increíble de prekindergarten y maestros de kínder mientras estoy aquí! Me asignaron para trabajar con la Sra. Caroline pero tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con todos estos maestros. Todos me recibieron en la escuela e incluso en sus clases. Al principio, pensé que nuestras escuelas son muy diferentes. Pero, Dios mío, estaba equivocado. Después de hablar con el departamento, aprendí que tenemos muchas similitudes, pero también algunas diferencias en nuestras metodolgías y filosofías de enseñanza.Sin embargo, todos estamos de acuerdo en que los niños deben ser niños. ¡Estas mujeres son tan maravillosas y esos niños son tan afortunados de tenerlos como maestros!
Another year older in Chile! - Leslie 2️⃣6️⃣🎉🎁🎂
Update: I turned 26 in Chile!!!! A lot was packed into last week. Last Saturday was my birthday. I was an emotional wreck the night before because this was my first birthday ever away from home. Needless to say that my mom was not making it any easier. She called me many times and yes there was crying involved, along with other family members and friends to congratulate me. But the highlight of my day? My host family surprised me with mariachis that sang me Las Mañanitas and a few other songs. Of course I cried. It was sweet and special! They held a Chilean style barbeque for me and invited friends and family over. It was a delicious meal filled lots of food and pisco sour (yummy). So many people made me feel really special and I will be forever grateful for this experience and all of the memories. 2️⃣6️⃣🎉🎁🎂
Plus, I was also totally excited because I got the honor to do Barbara’s hair and makeup for the quinceañera she was going to that same night. She looked stunning! 💄
Traditional pony pic @ Salto de Laja |
The next day I also went to the falls of Chile called El Salto de Laja. I had fish that caught from there and beer made from the falls water. It was amazing. A really cool part was the market that lined the length of the falls and I did some (actually a lot) of shopping. Everything was just too cute! I even took the traditional family picture that Barbi and Coni have. I rode a pony so that I could take this picture. 🐴+👩🏻
The rest of the week was just as busy. We went to an art museum, visited the University of Concepcion, had a sit down with teachers to ask questions about teaching styles, and also we had a workshop held by us. The workshop that my group presented was titled “Heightening Student Engagement through Cooperative Learning” and it was a lot of fun presenting along side Dani and Alyssa. I learned a lot from working in this group. And we went to El Chiflon del Diablo and it was such an incredible experience. It is a mine that many citizens used to work at every day for 12 hours under the pacific ocean. Mr. Daniel was our guide and he was an actual worker in the mine for 20 years. When I tell you that was such a difficult climb down and up, and these men AND children had to do it ever day, it was heartbreaking because of how difficult the situation was. There was one moment when he asked us to turn off our lights so that we could experience true darkness. It was eerie and then he sang us the miners song. I got all the feels when I heard in his song so many emotions that he personally lived and experienced. If you ever come to Concepcion, please take the opportunity to experience this first hand.⛏
Dabbin on the university campus with the real MVP - Alyssa Perino |
Lastly, I just want everyone to know how absolutely sweet the staff, my host family, and the LSU staff has been with me these past few days. I unfortunately got sick and everyone has been extremely concerned and worried about me. So a huge thanks! I feel a lot better. 😷 -> 😊❤️
- Actualización: Cumpli 26 años! Tuvimos mucho que hacer esta semana. El sábado pasado fue mi cumpleaños. La noche anterior estaba estaba un poco triste porque era mi primer cumpleaños lejos de mi casa en Luisiana. Mi mamá no hizo la situacion más fácil. Ella me llamó muchas veces y sí llore y tambíen ella, junto con otros familiares y amigos que me llamaron para felicitarme. Pero lo más increible de mi día? Mi familia anfitriona me sorprendió con mariachis que me cantaron Las Mañanitas y otras canciones. Por supuesto que lloré. ¡Fue muy lindo y especial! Celebramos con una barbacoa de estilo chileno e invitaron a amigos y familiares. Fue una deliciosa comida llena acompañada de pisco sour (delicioso). Todos me hicieron sentir muy especial y estaré eternamente agradecida por esta experiencia y todos los recuerdos. Además, estaba muy emocionada porque tuve el honor de ayudarle a Bárbara alistarse para una quinceañera a la que iba a ir esa misma noche. ¡Ella se veía espectacular!
- Al día siguiente también fui a las cataratas de Chile llamadas El Salto de Laja. Tuve pez que capturaron desde allí y cerveza hecha con agua de las cataratas. Fue increíble. Una parte realmente genial fue el mercado que se alineó a lo largo de las cataratas e hice algunas (de hecho, muchas) compras. ¡Todo fue demasiado lindo! Incluso me tomé un foto que es un poco tradicional de la familia igual a la que tienen Barbi y Coni. Monté en un poni para poder tener la misma foto. 🐴+👩🏻
- El resto de la semana estuvo igual de ocupado. Fuimos a un museo de arte, visitamos la Universidad de Concepción, nos sentamos con profesores para hacer preguntas sobre estilos de enseñanza, y también tuvimos un taller organizado por nosotros. El taller que mi grupo presentó se tituló "Aumentar la participación estudiantil a través del aprendizaje cooperativo" y fue muy divertido presentar junto a Dani y Alyssa. Aprendí mucho trabajando en este grupo. Y fuimos a El Chiflon del Diablo y fue una experiencia increíble. Es una mina que muchos ciudadanos solían trabajar todos los días durante 12 horas bajo el océano Pacífico. Don Daniel fue nuestra guía y fue un trabajador en la mina durante 20 años. Cuando les digo que fue una escalada tan difícil, y estos hombres y niños tuvieron que hacerlo cada día, fue desgarrador por lo difícil que era la situación. Hubo un momento en que nos pidió que apagemos nuestras luces para poder experimentar la verdadera oscuridad. Fue espeluznante pero despues nos cantó la canción de los mineros. Sentí tantas emociones cuando escuché en su canción tantas emociones que él personalmente vivió y experimentó. Si alguna vez tienen la oportunidad de viajar a Concepción, aprovechen la oportunidad para vivir esto de primera mano. ⛏
- Por último, solo quiero que todos sepan lo absolutamente dulce que el personal, la familia anfitriona y el personal de LSU. Desafortunadamente me enfermé y todos estaban muy preocupados por mí. Muchisimas gracias! Me siento mucho mejor. 😷 -> 😊❤️Friday, May 25, 2018
Mi Lugar Feliz - Erika Layne Baumann
The past week has been so full and busy that I feel like I didn't even have time to catch my breath, but there's honestly nowhere else in the world where I would rather be. Cecilia has a purple and gold sign in her classroom that says, "Baton Rouge is my happy place." As her northern hemisphere counterpart, I told her and her students that Concepcion is my happy place. I find more things in common with the amazing English teachers and my familia here every day, and I find that the more time I spend here the more I fall more in love with this place. I expected to lose the obsessive excitement that comes from traveling at some point, since most of the things and experiences are no longer new for me, but quite the opposite has happened. Instead I feel more and more at home here in Chile and the U.S. feels less and less like home. I'm honestly dreading my return to the U.S. and I can not wait to get out of there permanently. The Chilean people. culture, language, food, students, landscape, etc all outshine that of the U.S., but it's still similar enough that it doesn't feel foreign.
One of Nico's students asked me, when I said that I'm learning Spanish, "Are you learning good Spanish or Chilean?" That absolutely broke my heart and I told her that Chilean Spanish is not bad or wrong at all, in any way, it's just different! It's unique! But unfortunately that's not the first time I've been told that Chileans speak bad and/or wrong. It seems to be a pretty widely held opinion among Chileans for some reason and I kind of want to punch people who perpetuate that idea and teach it to children. I've even heard it from my host family, many times. It reminds me of the way my grandparents and all other cajuns were brainwashed into internal bigotry, believing that French is a bad language, leading to them not teaching it to their descendants until we reach language extinction. Another similar situation is AAVE in the U.S., especially in the southern states, where black children are basically led to believe that their cultural dialect is inherently unintelligent and uneducated. Chile's unique dialect of Spanish is one of my favorite things about Chile that made me fall in love with this country. Linguistic diversity and sociocultural variety should be celebrated and cherished, not discouraged! So honestly that belief is another thing that makes me want to move here even more. Students need to be taught that different is not a bad thing, and that their home dialect is something to be appreciated rather than an indicator of stupidity.

La última semana ha estado tan llena y ocupada que siento que ni siquiera tuve tiempo para recuperar el aliento, pero honestamente no hay otro lugar en el mundo donde prefiera estar. Cecilia tiene un cartel morado y dorado en su salón de clases que dice: "Baton Rouge es mi lugar feliz". Como su contraparte del hemisferio norte, les dije a ella y a sus alumnos que Concepción es mi lugar feliz. Encuentro más cosas en común con los increíbles maestros de inglés y mi familia aquí todos los días, y me parece que cuanto más tiempo paso aquí, más me enamoro más de este lugar. Esperaba perder la emoción obsesiva que viene de viajar en algún momento, ya que la mayoría de las cosas y experiencias ya no son nuevas para mí, pero sucedió todo lo contrario. En cambio, me siento cada vez más como en casa aquí en Chile y los EE. UU. Se sienten cada vez menos como en casa. Honestamente estoy temiendo que regrese a los Estados Unidos y no puedo esperar para salir de allí permanentemente. Los chilenos la cultura, el idioma, la comida, los estudiantes, el paisaje, etc., todos eclipsan a los de los EE. UU., pero aún es lo suficientemente similar como para que no parezca extraño.
One of Nico's students asked me, when I said that I'm learning Spanish, "Are you learning good Spanish or Chilean?" That absolutely broke my heart and I told her that Chilean Spanish is not bad or wrong at all, in any way, it's just different! It's unique! But unfortunately that's not the first time I've been told that Chileans speak bad and/or wrong. It seems to be a pretty widely held opinion among Chileans for some reason and I kind of want to punch people who perpetuate that idea and teach it to children. I've even heard it from my host family, many times. It reminds me of the way my grandparents and all other cajuns were brainwashed into internal bigotry, believing that French is a bad language, leading to them not teaching it to their descendants until we reach language extinction. Another similar situation is AAVE in the U.S., especially in the southern states, where black children are basically led to believe that their cultural dialect is inherently unintelligent and uneducated. Chile's unique dialect of Spanish is one of my favorite things about Chile that made me fall in love with this country. Linguistic diversity and sociocultural variety should be celebrated and cherished, not discouraged! So honestly that belief is another thing that makes me want to move here even more. Students need to be taught that different is not a bad thing, and that their home dialect is something to be appreciated rather than an indicator of stupidity.
Uno de los estudiantes de Nico me preguntó, cuando le dije que estaba aprendiendo español, "¿Estás aprendiendo español o chileno?" Eso me rompió completamente el corazón y le dije que el español de Chile no está nada mal o mal, de alguna manera, ¡es simplemente diferente! ¡Es único! Pero desafortunadamente esa no es la primera vez que me dicen que los chilenos hablan mal y / o mal. Por alguna razón, parece ser una opinión ampliamente aceptada entre los chilenos y, en cierto modo, quiero golpear a las personas que perpetúan esa idea y enseñarla a los niños. Incluso lo he escuchado de mi familia de anfitrión, muchas veces. Me recuerda la forma en que mis abuelos y todos los demás cajuns fueron lavados el cerebro en intolerancia interna, creyendo que el francés es un mal lenguaje, lo que hace que no se lo enseñen a sus descendientes hasta que lleguemos a la extinción del lenguaje. Otra situación similar es la AAVE en los EE. UU., Especialmente en los estados del sur, donde a los niños negros básicamente se les hace creer que su dialecto cultural es inherentemente poco inteligente y sin educación. El dialecto único del español en Chile es una de mis cosas favoritas sobre Chile que me hizo enamorarme de este país. La diversidad lingüística y la variedad sociocultural deben celebrarse y apreciarse, ¡no desanimarse! Entonces, sinceramente, esa creencia es otra cosa que me hace desear mudarme aquí aún más. Los estudiantes necesitan que se les enseñe que lo diferente no es algo malo, y que su dialecto hogareño es algo que debe apreciarse más que un indicador de estupidez.
This was interesting and something I've never seen before-- Religious gifts placed in the mountains
Brendan's Blog Post #2 Chile 2018
This Tuesday we visited the University of Concepcion. It was a beautiful campus, modeled after the University of California at Berkley. We got to visit’s the university’s art museum which has an awesome mural about Latin America. It was gifted to Chile from Mexico and the mural had a lot of interesting symbolism. For example, you can see the different colored faces in this picture which represent the diversity of skin color in Latin America. However, the thing I found coolest about the mural was the blank white flag that is to be painted over when Puerto Rico gains its independence.
Saturday I went to Talcahuano with my family. I really wanted to see the sea lions and my family made my wish come true. I’d never seen sea lions in person until this day, so I thought it was pretty cool to actually see them after learning about them in my oceanography class. Fun fact: you have a better chance of surviving an attack from a sea lion than you do a seal. We also got to go to the fish market and I tried ceviche for the first time. I had an awesome Saturday with my family!
Wednesday, we got to visit the world’s only underground mine
with wind, Chiflon del Diablo. It was sad to hear about the poor conditions the
miners had to work under. I couldn’t imagine working hunched over twelve hours
a day with bread and water as my only source of nutrition. I also was shocked
than miners weren’t even payed in real money up until about the late 80’s.
Instead they received tokens that they could only use at the food store owned
by the man who owned the mine. Our tour guide told us how he had 16 siblings
too and how his family all had to sleep in one room with 4 beds. All of this to
me was just so unimaginable!
Week 2 - Denise
This week has been a blast! I've been
all over Chile, haha I wish but I've done so much. On the big weekend my family
took me to their house in Quillon. My family invited me to a restaurant of
local food. We went to the grocery store and it was unbelievably packed with
people. I was amazed by the amount of people I saw at the grocery store that
day. We visited a zoo, and I got to see a lion for the first time, here, in
Chile. I still cant believe it. We got to visit the little town of Quinchamali,
which is famous for its pottery. On Saturday, the town of Chillan was our
destiny. Surrounded by the mountains, this city besides being cold is really
nice and picturesque.

¡Esta semana ha sido una maravilla! He estado en todo
Chile, jaja, pero he hecho mucho. El gran fin de semana mi familia me llevó a
su casa en Quillon. Mi familia me invitó a un restaurante de comida local.
Fuimos a la tienda de comestibles y estaba increíblemente lleno de gente. Me
sorprendió la cantidad de personas que vi en el supermercado ese día. Visitamos
un zoológico, y pude ver un león por primera vez, aquí, en Chile. Todavía no
puedo creerlo. Tenemos que visitar la pequeña ciudad de Quinchamali, que es
famosa por su cerámica. El sábado, el pueblo de Chillan fue nuestro destino.
Rodeado por las montañas, esta ciudad además de fría es realmente bonita y
Estoy muy feliz
con mi familia. Todos son cariñosos y generalmente no me
dejan estar solo, temen que algo se me ocurra. A los niños les gusta jugar Fifa
y fracasaron en el intento de enseñarme, pero Uno y Preguntados hicieron que
fuera una noche agradable y divertida.

Thursday, May 24, 2018
Week Dos
I never want to leave this place...... This week has gone by so fast! We didn’t have school on Monday because of a national holiday, on Tuesday we took a trip to Chiflon del Diablo. The mine was awesome, we had to wear cute little hard hats and we walked through the actual mine that is no longer functioning. When we got down there our tour guide, who was a former miner in Chiflon del Diablo he instructed us to turn off our light. Suddenly it was pitch black. It was so dark I didn’t know if my eyes were opened or closed. Our tour guide told us he wanted to sing us a Chilean miners song, it was so beautiful. I instantly got chills, all of my senses were heightened because it was so dark, which made the song a lot more meaningful. Following the tour of the actual mine, we toured the town around the mine. It was near the beach, and there were beautiful views. Visiting Chiflon del Diablo was one of the coolest things I have ever experienced.
Back at school, I am working with Gloria, I told her I wanted to do a project with the class to take home. The idea I came up with was to have the students individual American flags and I would draw a Chilean flag. Around my Chilean flag, I put the student's fingerprinted in red and blue paint and had them sign their name by their fingerprints. Around their American flag, I wrote a note and put my fingerprint. The final project came out a lot better than I expected it to turn out, each student was so different although they were assigned the same thing. The students had a blast and I had a blast watching them smile and get excited to do a project with me. I wish I could add more pictures but here is a pic of my Chilean flag and one student's American flag.

Although I was a little homesick this week, I am having a fantastic time. This trip has impacted my life in so many drastic ways. Tomorrow we are going to the Andes Mountains, I’m so excited!
Back at school, I am working with Gloria, I told her I wanted to do a project with the class to take home. The idea I came up with was to have the students individual American flags and I would draw a Chilean flag. Around my Chilean flag, I put the student's fingerprinted in red and blue paint and had them sign their name by their fingerprints. Around their American flag, I wrote a note and put my fingerprint. The final project came out a lot better than I expected it to turn out, each student was so different although they were assigned the same thing. The students had a blast and I had a blast watching them smile and get excited to do a project with me. I wish I could add more pictures but here is a pic of my Chilean flag and one student's American flag.

Although I was a little homesick this week, I am having a fantastic time. This trip has impacted my life in so many drastic ways. Tomorrow we are going to the Andes Mountains, I’m so excited!
Week 2: Netflix and Chile - by Ali
This week, it has been nice to get away from the humdrum of school days to visit places outside of the classrooms. Earlier in the week, our group visited the local University of Concepción. I am not an expert with architecture, but hearing the structural, artistic, and symbolic purpose that every architectural decision was made with was breathtaking. Coming from New Orleans, I know what it’s like to lose an entire city and have to rebuild from scratch. Hearing the stories of how everything was rebuilt on the university after decades of earthquakes and seeing the progress was a great experience.
The highlight of this trip, of course, was the art museum we toured. I love learning about the meaning of art, and the mural that detailed the relationships between all of the Latin American countries was amazing. It was interesting to see the progression of art over the years in Chile in comparison to the United States.

Before we went to Chiflon del Diablo, at least three different people asked me if I was scared of the dark or being in close spaces. Every time I replied, “No, but should I be?!”

The mine was beautiful, and I mean that in the weirdest way possible. Descending into the depths of the earth and connecting with history, being in the place so many people suffered, and hearing the first-hand accounts of what happened was all emotional. I even teared up when our tour guide sang us the song they used to sing in the mines.
![]() |
View from the cliff beside Chiflón del Diablo |
Tomorrow we go to Chillan, and I wonder what adventures await.
Esta semana, salimos de la escuela y pasamos tiempo fuera de los aulas. Visitamos la Universidad de Concepción. No soy una maestra de arquitectura, pero me encantó el propósito estructural, artístico y simbólico detrás de la arquitectura de los edificios. Soy de Nueva Orleans, así que sé lo que es perder una ciudad entera que tiene que ser reconstruida. Ver el progreso de la reconstrucción después de muchos terremotos fue una gran experiencia.
Por supuesto, la mejor parte del viaje fue el museo de arte. Me encanta aprender sobre el significado del arte, y el mural que mostró las relaciones entre los países latinoamericanos fue asombroso. Ver la progresión del arte en Chile en comparación con el arte estadounidense es muy interesante.
Antes de ir a Chiflón del Diablo, tres personas diferentes me preguntaron si tenía miedo de los espacios oscuros o pequeños. Cada vez que le respondí, "no, pero ¿debo tener miedo?!"
La mina es hermosa, y eso es muy irónico. Tuve la oportunidad de descender a la tierra y conectarme con la historia. Estar en el lugar donde tantas personas sufrieron y escuchar las historias de lo que pasó. Es emocional. Lloré cuando nuestro guía nos cantó la canción que los trabajadores cantaban en la mina.
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