Sunday, June 3, 2018

Last week in Chile - Denise

Me enamoré de Chile. Realizamos una ida super rápida a la playa cerca de Talcahuano y comimos empanadas con mariscos y otras delicias en un pueblito llamado Tumbes. También plantamos árboles en la laguna detrás del colegio con alumnos de la escuela. 
 Esta semana fue la semana de despedida y tuvimos varias fiestas a las que asistir. Estuvimos con los profesores duplas y les obsequiamos unas tazas de nuestras fotos con ellos. Ambos eventos estuvieron divertidos y nos tomamos fotos con los bailarines de la danza pascuense. Asistimos al festival de la canción donde nos deleitaron con una serie de bailes típicos chilenos. 
Mi familia se pasó esta semana. Recibí obsequios de ellos y lloré en muchas ocasiones. La abuelita me invito a comer once en su casa un día antes de mi partida. Toda la familia se reunió, hubo torta de despedida y muchas fotos. Mi última noche salimos a comer a un restaurante y la pase super bien. 
Los niños de mi salón, el 1C, me hicieron una carta super grande con fotos de nosotros y dibujos de ellos. Me desearon un buen viaje y constantemente me pedían que regresara. No pensé que Concepción me fuera a gustar tanto como lo hizo. Estas 3 semanas pasaron super rápido y es una lástima. Estoy segura de que si regreso visitare a mi familia chilena y recorreré el sur.
 I fell in love with Chile. We had a quick trip to a beach near Talcahuano and we ate shrimp empanadas in Tumbes, a little fishing town. We also planted trees in the lagoon behind the school with a couple of students.
This week was the saying-goodbye week and we had a couple of parties. We share a dinner with our teachers and gave them mugs as a present. Both events were fun and we took pictures with the dancers of the pasquense dance. The music song festival was fun to watch since it was full with Chilean folklore music.
This week I received presents from my host family. The grandma invited me to have once at her house. The whole family got together for it and we had cake. My last night we went out for dinner at the casino and had a great time.
My kids of 1st grade C gave me a letter with pictures of us and drawings made by them. They wished me a good trip and asked me to come back for them. I didnt think I would like Conce as much as I did. These 3 weeks went too fast and it's a shame. I'm sure that if I come back I'll visit my Chilean family and travel the southern part of it.

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