Saturday, May 19, 2018

Campaña Salvemos a Canela (Campaign to Save Canela) - Michaela

Canela, in her healthier days.
Canela (Cinnamon) is the campus dog at Colegio Concepción San Pedro.  She has been a loving, calming presence on campus her entire life, and is well loved by the students, staff, and faculty at the school. (The LSU Teaching in Chile participants are very fond of her, too!)  She is technically a stray dog, but has been adopted by the school.  She lives on the campus, and is fed and cared for by the staff and students to whom she brings so much joy.

Canela has to wear a cone now to keep her from aggravating
the open tumor on her leg.
Upon arriving at the campus this year, we were heartbroken to learn that Canela was suffering from an open tumor on her upper leg.  Her veterinarian in Chile would like to remove the tumor as soon as possible to keep her cancer from spreading.  This will cost the school approximately $800.  The Chilean students here have started a fundraising campaign so that Canela can have the surgery she needs, and we (the LSU students and program coordinators) would love to help as much as we possibly can.   In order to do that, we have started a short GoFundMe campaign in the hopes that our friends and families from around the world might be able to help our Chilean hosts with their goal.  Thanks to several very generous donors, we are already over half way to our goal!

Campaign stickers made by the Chilean students
who are raising funds for Canela's surgery.
Please consider making a donation of any size before the end of our campaign on Tuesday, May 22nd. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated by all of the people whose lives Canela has made better by her gentle demeanor and loving presence.


Canela (Canela) es el perro del Colegio en el Colegio Concepción San Pedro. Ella ha sido una presencia amorosa y tranquilizadora en el campus durante toda su vida, y es muy apreciada por los estudiantes, el personal y la facultad de la escuela. (¡Los participantes de LSU Teaching in Chile también la quieren mucho!) Técnicamente es un perro callejero, pero ha sido adoptada por la escuela. Ella vive en el campus, y es alimentada y atendida por el personal y los estudiantes a quienes trae tanta alegría.

Al llegar al campus este año, tuvimos el corazón roto al saber que Canela estaba sufriendo de un tumor abierto en la parte superior de su pierna. A su veterinario en Chile le gustaría extirpar el tumor lo antes posible para evitar que su cáncer se propague. Esto le costará a la escuela aproximadamente $ 800. Los estudiantes chilenos aquí han comenzado una campaña de recaudación de fondos para que Canela pueda tener la cirugía que necesita, y nosotros (los estudiantes de LSU y los coordinadores del programa) nos encantaría ayudar lo más que podamos. Para hacerlo, hemos comenzado una campaña corta GoFundMe con la esperanza de que nuestros amigos y familiares de todo el mundo puedan ayudar a nuestros anfitriones chilenos con su objetivo. ¡Gracias a varios donantes muy generosos, ya estamos a mitad de camino de nuestra meta!

Por favor, considere hacer una donación de cualquier tamaño antes del final de nuestra campaña el martes, 22 de mayo. Cualquier ayuda que pueda ofrecer será muy apreciada por todas las personas cuyas vidas Canela ha mejorado gracias a su comportamiento amable y presencia amorosa.

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